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Essential Learning Outcomes

Your Guide to Unlocking Core Skills
ELO-7: Use knowledge of spoken language, written language and writing conventions to refine the precision and enhance the meaning and clarity of their written work.

Key Learning Outcomes

Knowledge | Skills | Attitudes/ Values
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Attitudes/ Values
  • Understand complex spelling patterns, including long vowel patterns (ai, ay, oa, ou, ee, ea).
  • Recognize grade-level punctuation conventions, such as full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, and capitalization rules.
  • Demonstrate awareness of when to use quotation marks.
  • Develop independent strategies to monitor and edit spelling with increasing independence.
  • Use word walls, personal dictionaries, and environmental print to confirm commonly used words.
  • Generate spelling of unfamiliar words using beginning, middle, and ending sounds, and apply knowledge of blending sounds and syllables.
  • Use digital tools, such as spell check, to enhance spelling accuracy.
  • Continue refining use of grade-level punctuation conventions, including commas in a series.
  • Make final corrections to revised drafts and self-select final writing pieces to publish.
  • Use conventional spacing between words and refine letter formation for readability.
  • Develop hand-created or digital presentation styles, including illustrations, titles, charts, emoticons, and simple maps.
  • Experiment with technology in writing and representation: record with a tape recorder, choral readings, dramatisations, retellings.
  • Create illustrations or drawings using a computer graphics/drawing program.
  • Compose, revise, and edit simple text using a word processing program.
  • Appreciate feedback on writing and engage in sharing writing with others.
  • Show interest in using digital tools to enhance writing and presentation.

Inclusive Education Framework

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