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Essential Learning Outcomes

Your Guide to Unlocking Core Skills
ELO-6: Revise the organisation, and language use (vocabulary and grammar) drafted writing or representation, collaboratively and independently, for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Key Learning Outcomes

Knowledge | Skills | Attitudes/ Values
Guide Your Students to Success with Clearly Defined Learning Outcomes for Every Lesson.
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Attitudes/ Values
  • Identify different forms of print and digital writing that are appropriate to specific purposes and audiences.
  • Understand how to write complete sentences on a specific topic.
  • Recognize how Standard English and Home Language vocabulary can enhance word choice.
  • Review and revise drafts using tools such as caret for inserting, crossing out words, and adding/removing details.
  • Focus revisions on creating texts with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  • Experiment with organization for real-world genres: wish list, how-to list, grocery list.
  • Develop word-specific choices to enhance clarity, using concrete nouns, accurate verbs, and descriptive words.
  • Refine the meaningful use of Home Language and Standard English vocabulary, including transition words and multi-sensory words.
  • Use the word wall to find alternatives for overused words.
  • Experiment with lead sentences that engage the audience.
  • Develop sentence fluency by revising for a mix of statements, questions, exclamations, and varied sentence lengths.
  • Embed structures for plurals and simple past tense in sentences.
  • Experiment with elements like bold print, visual words, and font choices to enhance author’s voice.
  • Develop comfort in experimenting with organization and word choices in writing.
  • Appreciate the impact of specific language choices and organizational structure on clarity and engagement.

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Pearl, the AI teaching assistant

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Monitoring & Evaluation Template

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AI Teaching Assistant Survey

This survey seeks to collect your feedback on the PEARL AI Teaching Assistant. Your insights will help enhance the tool's functionality and usefulness.

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