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Essential Learning Outcomes

Your Guide to Unlocking Core Skills
ELO-5: Generate, gather, and organise thoughts to explore, clarify and reflect on ideas, feelings, and experiences as they create a written or representative draft, independently and collaboratively, for a range of audiences and purposes.

Key Learning Outcomes

Knowledge | Skills | Attitudes/ Values
Guide Your Students to Success with Clearly Defined Learning Outcomes for Every Lesson.
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Attitudes/ Values
  • Understand that writing a draft is connected to the prewriting/brainstorming and organizing process.
  • Recognize how authors use choices about when to use Home Language and Standard English.
  • Become familiar with how authors use words and sentences to convey ideas, and how illustrators add information to writing.
  • Engage in writing and representing activities every day and sustain engagement in writing.
  • Engage in conversations about an anchor text chosen to model the genre for the writing project.
  • Participate in large and small group brainstorming activities on a topic or writing prompt.
  • Use graphic organizers, such as pictures, the five-finger plan, web, list, five Ws, to organize ideas into a draft.
  • Organize brainstormed ideas through print, visual, or digital organizers, group conversations, storyboards, role play, or text-based models.
  • Organize writing to match the genre being studied: narrative, expository, descriptive, persuasive.
  • Make decisions about when illustrations, charts, or alternate language use will enhance the writing.
  • Refer to anchor texts as examples for the writing project genre.
  • Continue to work independently or collaboratively to draft and organize sentences.
  • Develop genre structure throughout the draft process for narrative, expository, descriptive, and persuasive writing.
  • Experiment with temporary spelling, various languages, and freely writing ideas in draft form.
  • Develop comfort in experimenting with different forms of formal and informal writing, such as handwritten or digital notes, thank-you notes, invitations, and letters.
  • Approach draft writing with a positive perspective and willingness to take risks.
  • Continue to develop an understanding of the social aspect of writing by engaging with peers and the teacher for feedback.

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Pearl, the AI teaching assistant

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