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Essential Learning Outcomes

Your Guide to Unlocking Core Skills
ELO-4: Develop an understanding of how an author’s purpose and style, genre, text form, text features and choice of vocabulary, and language influence the meaning of text and define the author’s craft.

Key Learning Outcomes

Knowledge | Skills | Attitudes/ Values
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Attitudes/ Values
  • Become familiar with the style of favourite authors and illustrators.
  • Recognize the text feature design choices of authors and publishers, including cover illustrations, blurb information, word choice, and cultural references.
  • Continue to develop an understanding of how written word order impacts meaning.
  • Use the work of various authors to compare and contrast purpose and style, such as humorous or exciting stories.
  • Work with a peer to perform digital searches to gather information about an author.
  • Engage in the research process with assistance: generate questions, locate information, organize information, and share findings.
  • Discuss and respond to the author's use of words and dialogue that evoke emotions, create humour, and describe.
  • Compare texts by different authors to explore differences in language and mood.
  • Express opinions about the work of authors and illustrators.

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