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Essential Learning Outcomes

Your Guide to Unlocking Core Skills
ELO-3: Demonstrate a variety of ways to use background knowledge and interests to select and engage critically with a range of culturally diverse paper based, visual, and digital texts for pleasure and personal growth.

Key Learning Outcomes

Knowledge | Skills | Attitudes/ Values
Guide Your Students to Success with Clearly Defined Learning Outcomes for Every Lesson.
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Attitudes/ Values
  • Recognize the purpose and basic similarities and differences in paper-based and digital genres of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.
  • Develop an understanding that words may have similar meanings.
  • Continue to make connections between the language of text written with Home Language vocabulary and Standard English vocabulary.
  • Continue to notice and apply knowledge of how word order creates and maintains meaning.
  • Recognize that punctuation is used to enhance fluency, guide intonation, and demonstrate expression.
  • Understand that fluency assists comprehension, the mood of the text, and the intent of the text.
  • Apply a variety of comprehension strategies to create meaning: activating background knowledge, determining importance, visualization, prediction, inferring, synthesizing, analyzing questions, making connections.
  • Use illustrations and graphics in nonfiction text to ask questions, make inferences, and search for answers.
  • Use various tools to retell a narrative, referring to characters, the problem, and the solution.
  • Read simple mathematics or science problems to search for information, ask questions, and find solutions.
  • Demonstrate understanding through responses to text, such as artistic representations, discussions, graphic organizers, and written responses.
  • Follow written instructions to create an object or find a location.
  • Use background knowledge of community and culture to support comprehension of culturally relevant text.
  • Respond critically to texts by asking questions such as "what if," "is it possible that," or "what else."
  • Use context clues to solve unknown vocabulary.
  • Refer to personal and published dictionaries as a reference for new vocabulary.
  • Apply known oral vocabulary to text vocabulary by recognizing root words or rimes to solve unknown words.
  • Begin to understand the meaning of Early level prefixes and suffixes.
  • Create and use a personal word bank.
  • Continue to develop fluency by using knowledge of effective problem-solving strategies for unknown words and predictable language structures.
  • Self-check by using phonics, meaning, and structure clues.
  • Use picture cues to support or enhance graphophonic word solving.
  • Continue to develop meaningful use of graphophonic elements to decode.
  • Begin to understand how text language may describe in positive or negative ways.
  • Become more aware of how phrases and sentences in text language can impact meaning.

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