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Essential Learning Outcomes

Your Guide to Unlocking Core Skills
ELO-3: Demonstrate a variety of ways to use background knowledge and interests to select and engage critically with a range of culturally diverse paper based, visual, and digital texts for pleasure and personal growth.

Key Learning Outcomes

Knowledge | Skills | Attitudes/ Values
Guide Your Students to Success with Clearly Defined Learning Outcomes for Every Lesson.
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Attitudes/ Values
  • Recognize different points of view of the author of print and/or digital text.
  • Reflect on the purpose of different types of texts e.g., local newspaper articles, local stories, poems, ads, e-texts, etc.
  • Continue to develop an understanding and respect for diversity in text and illustrations.
  • Make meaningful personal, text, and community/world connections that enhance comprehension.
  • Demonstrate understanding and application of reading strategies while reading Early level texts.
  • Ask critical questions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry (Why, what if, is it possible, etc.).
  • Use illustrations and details in a text to describe and interpret characters, setting, and events.
  • Make connections between well-being and information texts on topics such as physical activity, health, emotions.
  • Reflect on various sources of background knowledge to predict and make connections before, during, and after reading fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.
  • Regard reading/viewing as sources of interest, enjoyment, and information.
  • Share ideas and opinions about favourite authors or favourite genres with peers.
  • Continue to make engaging and ‘just right’ book choices for Independent Reading based on interests, various cultures (theirs and others), difficulty level, genre.
  • Increase time (build stamina) while engaged in Independent Reading.

Inclusive Education Framework

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Pearl, the AI teaching assistant

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