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Essential Learning Outcomes

Your Guide to Unlocking Core Skills
ELO-1: Explore, use, and critically apply oral language for pleasure, personal growth, to form and foster relationships and to develop an appreciation and celebration of culture and of oral languages.

Key Learning Outcomes

Knowledge | Skills | Attitudes/ Values
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Attitudes/ Values
  • Engage with various genres of music, oral poetry, and oral stories for pleasure.
  • Describe a personal experience in sequential order.
  • Continue to develop vocabulary that reflects interests as well as application of synonyms, antonyms, and descriptive words to build more complex sentences.
  • Use some transition words to connect phrases.
  • Recognize some examples of unfair and hurtful vocabulary, and begin to make vocabulary choices that affirm rather than hurt people.
  • Use different forms (Home Language, Standard English) of language depending on audience and purpose.
  • Recognize that volume of voice needs to be adjusted according to situation.
  • Develop automaticity with the meaningful application of phonological awareness in oral expression of rhyming, onset and rime, segmenting, blending, beats in a word.
  • Offer thoughts and opinions on the meaning and mood of music, stories, and poetry.
  • Sustain one-to-one conversations and contribute to small and large group interactions with peers.
  • Continue to develop comfort while engaging in interactions with adults.
  • Respond to and give instructions that involve steps.
  • Demonstrate application of oral comprehension strategies.
  • Describe, share, and discuss thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
  • Ask and respond to questions to clarify information and explore possibilities or solutions to problems.
  • Consider others’ ideas and ask/respond to questions to clarify information and explore possibilities or solutions to problems.
  • Experiment with the impact of intonation, expression, and tone while communicating ideas and feelings in small- and whole-group situations.
  • Use social conventions in a range of conversations and cooperative play situations (turn-taking, politeness, when to speak, and when to listen) in multiple cultural contexts.
  • Continue to develop monitoring and self-correction of oral language use.
  • Begin to make vocabulary choices that affirm sensitivity to the personal ideas, cultural contexts, and experiences of others.
  • Appreciate sensitivity in vocabulary choices to affirm others rather than hurt.

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