Visual Impairment
Typical Behaviors: Frequently squinting, difficulty reading text, avoiding visually demanding tasks.
What to Look Out For: Holding books too close, difficulty recognizing faces, avoiding eye contact.
Classroom Accommodations:
- Large print materials: Provide textbooks and worksheets in at least 18-point font.
- Audio books: Offer audio versions of texts to reduce eye strain.
- Strategic seating: Place the student close to the board and away from glare.
- High-contrast materials: Use yellow chalk on a dark board or black markers on white paper.
- Tactile learning experiences: Incorporate 3D models and textured materials.
- Proper lighting: Ensure adequate, non-glare lighting in the classroom.
- Extended time: Allow extra time for reading and writing tasks.
- Assistive technology: Introduce screen readers or magnification software as needed.
Referral: Eye specialist.
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