Meet Pearl: Your AI Teaching Assistant

Transform your teaching with the power of AI! Create engaging lessons, receive expert advice, and get a fresh perspective on assessments.

Pearl AI Assistant

Create Lesson Plans

Design engaging and effective lesson plans with AI assistance.

Review Lesson Plans

Get expert feedback and suggestions to improve your lessons.

Generate Lesson Content

Create diverse and engaging content for your lessons effortlessly.

Create Quizzes

Design effective quizzes with AI guidance.

Create Your Lesson Plan

Design a personalized lesson plan that accommodates all learners.

Special Needs Accommodations

Select all that apply. Use Ctrl/Cmd to select multiple options. (0 selected)
Include any specific accommodations, modifications, or support strategies needed.
Add content from a webpage to help generate your lesson plan.

Generated Lesson Plan

Enhance Your Lesson Plan

Ask Pearl for suggestions to improve your lesson plan.

Hello! I'm Pearl, your AI assistant. How can I help you improve your lesson plan today?

Quiz Generator

Create custom quizzes tailored to your needs

Pearl AI Assistant
Our quiz generator is set to create up to 10 questions per quiz. Please ensure your selected number of questions doesn’t exceed this limit. Thank you for your understanding!

Question Types

Cognitive Levels

Upload a Lesson Plan for Feedback

Get personalized feedback on your lesson plan from Pearl, our AI assistant.

Note: Currently only DOCX files are supported for detailed analysis

Generate Lesson Content

Create customized lesson content based on your specifications.

Please provide a topic.
Please select a grade level.
Please provide the learning outcomes.
Please select a content type.

Your Feedback Matters

Help us enhance your experience by participating in our user experience surveys. Your insights are invaluable to us, and we greatly appreciate your time and feedback.

Monitoring & Evaluation Template

Track progress, assess outcomes, and identify key insights to ensure the successful implementation and scalability of the Digital OECS Harmonised Primary Curriculum.

Download Template
User Experience Survey – D-OHPC MVP

This survey aims to gather feedback on your experience using the D-OHPC MVP. Your responses will help improve the content, navigation, and overall user experience.

Take this survey
AI Teaching Assistant Survey

This survey seeks to collect your feedback on the PEARL AI Teaching Assistant. Your insights will help enhance the tool's functionality and usefulness.

Take this survey